A Show / A Public Conversation / A Participatory Civic Planning Adventure

Friday, August 22, 2008

Interviews this week

have been fantastic

Monica from Sisters of the Road came on Tuesday

Robert Liberty from Metro and Rick Potestio came last night, Thursday

each night folks come, we learn about their experiences
we also get the experience of inquiry- of pursuing conversations and taking them in directions that we are moved to explore-
we are being given the gift of uninhibited curiosity
which, rather than quench our thirst for knowledge
makes us more curious

The interviews begin with me asking questions, but move to a group interview fairly swiftly.

Monica spoke with us about her work and the responsibility we all have for each other.
Robert spoke about the need for sustainability and the history of redlining.
Rick spoke about real estate and the economy of materials and changing neighborhoods.

We have also begun to play the game, the civic planning game that we use in the show, within these research evenings. Thats a great exercie for us, and our guests seem to enjoy it.

We want to move our growing curiosity out into our audience- we want to infect them with curiosity and make a space for figuring. And complications...

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