A Show / A Public Conversation / A Participatory Civic Planning Adventure

Sunday, April 20, 2008

moving ahead

we had a great first week of rehearsal

we have an exciting conversation going on at
we have a facebook site
and guest artists are starting to arrive today

join the conversation
help us think expansively about this stuff...

below, some thoughts from rehearsal the other day-

Assumption/generalizations at work here, but for the sake of observing what values come out in our work, at least the other night-

When change was social/human,
the anti-change character was seen as the antagonist
When a lesbian couple tries to move into a neighborhood,
and someone is against that change in the social values of what is ‘appropriate’, and what isn’t,
the person against that change
is the ‘bad guy’.


When there was capital/money-based change,
the anti-change person was seen as the protagonist
When someone is trying to buy up property,
or a neighborhood is changing and becoming economically more solvent,
property values are perhaps going up,
The person against that change, not selling, advocating for community not shifting,
is the ‘good guy’…


When you don’t know, as a character, that you’re engaged in a battle
but the audience knows that because of your values, you’re actually in a battle
what does that make the experience like to watch? And, to play?


What kind of bridges or coming-together or shared values can vastly different stories have?
Sometimes a conflict arises because of differing values, although no one is consciously trying to be malicious…


Why do we value nostalgia?

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