A Show / A Public Conversation / A Participatory Civic Planning Adventure

Monday, May 12, 2008


So, civic planning, when it involves more than one person, is essentially an exercise in collective imagination-

With facts and studies and history and law and multiple perspectives, there is -
where we are now
where we want to be-
and though the result is given as much weight as the credentials and institutional support of the sponsoring host,
its still the same exercise that arthur c clarke undertook when he imagined our world in 2001...

Civic planning is work of the imagination.

So, how does civic planning make certain that imagination is engaged in the process?
How does the process utilize creativity, and play?

what information is needed to ground that creative work?

For the imagination to do more than fantasize in a vacuum, but still have room to play,
what information is necessary, and what isn't?

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