A Show / A Public Conversation / A Participatory Civic Planning Adventure

Friday, May 16, 2008

Who comes?

A civic planner from Evanston generously came and spoke with us last week

In addition to discussing how Evanston conducted 3 years of civic engagement to arrive at the West Evanston Plan, she also brought up what, as we approach next week's public events, has become a primary challenge and topic of discussion-

How do you get folks to your event that don't see themselves as a part of the conversation?

Who aren't interested in public conversation?

Who think public participation is a waste of time?

Who don't see these issues as significant in their lives?

or, as theatre artists and companies often ask-
How do you diversify audience and create a desire for what we have to offer?

In the case of this event, how do we engage theatre audiences in an event that has a level of participation to it?
That isn't a play, but a dialogue of sorts?
how do we engage those who may be interested in the topic, but turned off by the notion of an evening of theatre?

How do we make participation ok?
How do we share the sense of fun we hope the event will generate and entice people to come?
To call ahead of time?
To bring someone?

We are attempting to fill 300 slots over 5 nights.
Five events with 60 people
With a hoped for mix of community members from off campus, campus folk, and family/friends of those involved.

How do you build audiences who you want to be more than audiences, but who, in the end, you do indeed need to show up...?

This is something we've been working on everyday.

We'll see how the coming weeks go...

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